WP1. Project Management
and Comunication
WP1 objectives: 1. Monitoring the achievements of the following WPs, PO_21’s timeframe and regular finalisation of the project’s activities and milestones. 2. Continuous and consequent focus on the project plan, the results and objectives in general. |
A1.1. Develop PO_21’s management methodology A1.2. Develop and manage PO_21’s administrative reporting
A1.4. Steering Committee meetings (organisation & reporting) A total of six meetings (KoM + 5 SC meetings) took place. The KoM focused mostly on sharing general management, financial management and communication guidelines, presentation of partners and key staff, and on the definition of the following work plan for the upcoming months.
Timetable: 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2022
WP2. Creation of a Corrections Sector
Skills Advisory Platform
Aiming a sustainable conceptualisation and development of PO21’s proposed outcomes, this second WP2 intended to set up a panel of experts as an advisory board, which:
2.1. Corrections sector skills advisory platform
The advisory board included representatives of the PO21 project partners and representatives of associated partners. The advisory board met twice a year and a) advised the project partners, providing inputs to the workplan; b) provided feedback about the work being developed in WP3 and WP4; c) supported the dissemination of results and mainstreaming into national and EU policies and practice (WP5).
Leader: Bremen MoJ
Timetable: 01/11/2019 to 30/10/2022
WP3. Designing Transnational Vocational
PO_21’s WP3 intended to design and develop an EU-based, integrated twofold approach to effectively address and upscale the professional role of the prison officer. Therefore, it was divided in two different, although complementary, phases:
3.1. Skill needs assessment Gathering and interpretation of evidence of skills needs for prison officers. 3.1.1. Research framework
3.2. Curricula development 3.2.1. Design of VET curricula
Leader: IPS
Timetable: 01/12/2019 to 31/12/2021
WP4. European Prison Officer's Training
Course Piloting and Finetuning
Based on the holistic prison officers’ curricula developed in WP3, 4 training course were implemented on-site with participants from partner countries’ prison service, assuring the spread of the training curricula across various professionals in future training activities (to be carried out in their own countries in the near future). This WP4 ensures the replicability and sustainability of the PO_21 project. |
4.1. Implementation of a transnational, multi-site training course
Leader: IPS
Timetable: 01/03/2021 to 31/10/2022
WP5. Dissemination and Mainstreaming
This WP deals with the sustainability, dissemination and overall mainstreaming of the PO_21’s results and all preparations needed for a successful exploitation of the developed outcomes. During its course, national roundtables took place in each partner country (national level) and in Brussels (transnational level – EC, CoE, EP representatives), not only with the purpose of facilitating a better dissemination of the PO_21 project, but also aiming the discussion of practices and defining recommendations. In addition, a meeting with EC and CEDEFOR representatives of ESCO will be organised. Hence it pursues the main goals:
5.1. Dissemination of project expected results and outputs
Leader: ICPA
Timetable: 01/11/2019 to 31/10/2022
WP6. Monitoring and Evaluation
Design and implementation of continuous internal and external evaluation strategy, tools and activities. |
6.1. Evaluation plan & strategy 6.2. Manage project internal evaluation
Leader: IPS
Timetable: 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2022